Notes to Parents about SMART Education.
Until the traditional education system is still struggling to update and introduce STEAM-based education, that started with STEM/ science-technology-engineering-math/ than the A /arts/ were introduced and now in many places, they offer STREAM education, including the Reading, the reality is that this is already “so yesterday” as my students would say as the new trend in the world is to work, live and learn: SMART!
At ZeduPlus and Creative Alpha Playground we also build up a curriculum based on STEAM where kids expand their academic knowledge through experience and project-based workshops and events.
Even though we have great success and kids love all the interaction, love that they can make the discoveries first hand and can see, feel and understand the processes, I had the feeling that we are still missing something.
The kids of 3–6 YRS of age, no matter of their background and location they all have something in common: they have far more knowledge and understanding of their surrounding environment than we parents, educator assumes they have. So learning is not anymore about getting the information but it is about learning SMART.
We started researching what is that we need to change or better say upgrade in our programs so the Alpha Gen /all kids born after 2000/ need to learn and develop the skills that are really necessary for to be prepared to embrace the future workforce and thrive.
We know now that the future Keywords for education are:
Smart learning
Ubiquitous learning
Context awareness
Adaptive learning
Intelligent tutoring systems
Augmented reality
Seamless learning
We are so considering to adapt and shape our workshops and learning strategy from STEAM to SMART!
Follow my next note and find out why!
Katy Toma
Edu-Facilitator, Future Enthusiast